In-person & Online
Thurs 19th Oct 2023
The Oval, London.
3 Incredible tracks, 30+ Amazing speakers to help you
Andrew Husak
Andrew Husak, VP Product Architecture, Emergn
Talk Title
It’s not the people, it’s the system!
Talk Abstract
We will share decades of experience about how to transform your system of work to unlock more value from your organisation.
Have your transformation programmes stalled or stopped delivering the value you hoped for? Do you wonder why things are not changing fast enough, or scaling the way you hoped? The answer might just surprise you: It’s not the people; it’s the system!
In our session, you’ll learn:
The flaws in the current system
We’ll shed light on the pitfalls of conventional people-run projects. Learn how these systems create inefficiencies, and frustrations, hinder progress and growth.
The vision of the future
Imagine a world with adaptive planning, where demand shifts in real time, team capacity remains stable, and releases happen frequently.
The necessary conditions for success
Incremental delivery that is measured. See what happens when teams focus on optimizing flow and eliminating waste. We share a set of measures that can show if and how you are improving.
Real-world examples
Our journey wouldn’t be complete without real-world examples and data- driven success stories. Hear about performance improvements that
came about as a result of meeting the necessary conditions.
Break down the barriers
Typically, what we’re discussing happens in isolated areas of an organisation. How do we break down these barriers? We’ll share some ideas!
Andrew Husak is the VP of Product Architecture at Emergn. He joined in 2011 and for several years acted as the Solution Lead across key consulting engagements, creating compelling and valuable solutions to the most pressing, and often wicked, problems Emergn customers have faced. He held the vision for how changes in mindset (how we think), measures (how we understand success) and mechanics (what we do) combine to transform customers' bottom line and their ability to improve performance. In his role now, Andrew helps ensure that Emergn’s Value, Flow, Quality philosophy (VFQ) continues to be pragmatically and consistently applied across engagements. He contributes thought leadership and guidance to VFQ practitioners within and outside of the company. He is the creator of the Product Estate concept, the Increment Definition technique and the brain power behind Systemic Flow Analysis and Emergn’s VFQ Analytics platform.
Andrew brings more than 30 years of experience in product development, PLM, and technology, having previously held senior positions at Ivar Jacobson Consulting, PTC, and Inso. His expertise blends sociology, pedagogy, economics, math, design and engineering to challenge the way people think about work. He enjoys changing things with clients so that work becomes more purposeful, effective, rewarding ... and fun!