Chris Baynham-Hughes
Customer Innovation Advocate for Red Hat Open Innovation Labs
Chris Baynham-Hughes is an Open Transformation Principal for Red Hat Open Innovation Labs in EMEA. He is passionate about discovering and enabling better ways of working for teams, organisations and leaders. Chris maintains that the key to unlocking potential within these groups is first to ensure a shared purpose and vision within a hypothesis led culture, to nurture that within a psychologically safe environment and to use Open practices that address the challenges faced; in short, it’s culture first.
He has over 20 years in the game, working across all areas of IT from engineering to strategy and delivery of transformational change that sticks. Chris believes the next organisational paradigm is Open and, whilst all are important, places greater value on resilience, sustainability and organisational agility than operational efficiency.
He is a Husband, father of two boys, DJ, whitewater kayaker and adventurer. He's often found running and swimming my way around mountain landscapes.
Talk Title
Insights from the field: Team Topologies
Have you read Team Topologies and thought; “Yes! This is what we need!” Only to reflect and think, “How do we get started?” Or “There is no way we’ll get to change the existing org structure”?
We’ll be sharing our insights from working simultaneously to enable both platform and stream aligned teams and provide a proof point for team topologies adoption. We’ll look at how this can be catalysed without major investment, ‘Big Bang’ radical upheaval of the organisational structure and in a way that invites everybody to get onboard; creating an army of advocates for the change you need.