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In-person & Online
Thurs 19th Oct 2023
The Oval, London.

3 Incredible tracks, 30+ Amazing speakers to help you


David Pitchford

Enterprise Agility Coach, Deutsche Bank

Talk Title

Zapp! Creating Empowerment and Autonomy in large enterprises


Talk Abstract


Accountability, Autonomy and Empowerment is on the lips of every leader in the organization. In reality is this what really happens, we disempower, we remove accountability and we wonder where autonomy has gone. David will share a journey of creating empowerment with the help of a little book called Zapp! and two friends Ralph and Jo Mode.  Exploring the story of how a fiction story can create across leadership bias for action...



David is an Enterprise Agile Coach within Deutsche Bank, supporting the CFO and technology environment. Support the leadership and the engineering teams to create performance, productivity and an effective organisation. David normally can be found volunteering time and walking the floor at previous seacon events, this year i decided to share my story



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