Week 2 - Teams
Amanda Light
Senior Digital Data and Technology (DDaT) Capability Lead for HM Land Registry (HMLR)

Thursday 15th July 12:30 - 14:00 BST
The Value of Communities of Practice
Have you ever worked in an organisation where you were disconnected from other people with similar roles or passions?
If unchecked, agile working and multidisciplinary teams can silo organisations by teams, programmes and functions. These silos lead to duplication of work, pockets of knowledge, unrealised capability potential; even worse, it cuts people off from their support network. Our organisations are scaling, structures are flattening, workforces are increasingly fluid, and the future or where we work isn’t set. Connecting people and breaking down silos is more critical now than ever - this is where communities of practice come in.
Communities of practice bring people together who share common challenges and interests, connecting them to create something more significant than the people within it.
In this session, Emily Webber will draw from her experiences and research to share the benefits of communities of practice, the pitfalls and advice.
Live Q&A to finish.
Amanda Light is a Senior Digital Data and Technology (DDaT) Capability Lead for HM Land Registry (HMLR). Initially working closely with Emily she has continued to grow and embed communities of practice at HMLR. She leads HMLR’s Growing DDaT Capability workstream, responsible for the introduction of professional practices aligned to the government’s DDaT Profession Capability Framework; skills mapping and other people-focused capability initiatives