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Tessa van den Berg

Organisational Agility Coach, Deloitte

Talk Title


Enabling Frogs to jump…




“Five frogs sat on a log. Four decided to jump off. How many are left?” 


The answer is five. Deciding to do something and actually doing it are two different things. This is what we see with regard to ‘Sustainable Decision Making’ and ‘ESG’. Many decisions that should have been made long ago, have not. With huge consequences for our planet and next generations of life on earth.


What makes ‘sustainable decision making’ hard?  Too much data and too little insight. This makes effective data-driven decisions challenging. With IT accounting for 2.5% of global emissions today and with this increasing by as much as 15% per year, how do we get to this Net-Zero target in 2030 that is always spoken about?

‘Decarbonising’ the IT estate is becoming more difficult. We know that with bringing decision making power ‘down’ to agile autonomous teams, many organizations have succeeded in shortening the time to effect change. However, the improvement of strategic decision making capabilities at board level are rarely tackled with similar focus.


We explore that the improvement of the effectiveness of executive decision making can be a valuable accelerator on the path to net zero. We zoom in on the role of the CIO, as the CIO has lead on enterprise agility and now has the opportunity to use enterprise agility to tackle ESG factors.




Tessa is a Specialist Leader in the Deloitte Organisation Transformation practice focusing on enterprise agility. She brings expertise and experience on redesigning organizational structures, roles and responsibilities, ways of working, (executive) decision making, measurement of impact (e.g., OKR, outcomes) and a practical approach to shifting mindsets and culture. These are valuable accelerators on the path to organisational adaptability. Each journey to scaling agility comes with a unique path that needs to be discovered without knowing all solutions up front. That is what Tessa enjoys most. In the global community of Business Agility enthusiast, Tessa has been a facilitator at the Business Agility Institute Global Conference, connecting people and a wealth of stories and experiences in a highly inspiring learning environment.


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Mik Kersten
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